Engineering Manager
Digital Healthcare Specialist
Happy & humble human
Engineering Manager
Digital Healthcare Specialist
Happy & humble human
Hello! I’m Mashiur Rahman.
I am a digital healthcare specialist. I am serving the healthcare with innovation and digital technologies. I talk about #HealthCare #DigitalHealthCare #innovation #enterprenure #newtechnologies
I am passionate about coding and love to code. Python is my preferred language. I love to find meaningful insight from the data. Data visualization is a great challenge but I enjoy it that much. Python is my preferred language, but I am fluent in C, Matlab, R, Java, JavaScript. Beside that I spend times in app development in both native and hybrid platform like react native, Cordova etc.
Software project management is another my core skill set. I preferrred both waterfall and Agile Scrum method. I am a great lover of Jira, Backlog and other Kanba based project management tools.
I am working in HealthCare domain where I am implementing digital technologies to bring Health data nearer to the users. I am using the gamification method to convert the boring task to enjoyable.
I love networking with people from different domains.
Whatever I do, I focus on how to be happy. See the positive things and be grateful for whatever I have. Being in present and forgetting the worries.