Dr. Mashiur Rahman

Engineering Manager

Digital Healthcare Specialist


Happy & humble human

Dr. Mashiur Rahman

Engineering Manager

Digital Healthcare Specialist


Happy & humble human

Blog Post

The Power of Self-Learning: A Soft Skill for Success

May 28, 2023 Article, Experience
The Power of Self-Learning: A Soft Skill for Success

Let me share a tale from my own life with you. I am a proud father of two sons, each unique in their own way. My older son, like many kids, needs a bit of hand-holding when it comes to learning. When he stumbles on a subject, I step in to help him navigate and shape his learning journey. It often involves providing him with extra books, guiding him through difficult topics, and sometimes, even hiring a tutor for those particularly tough subjects.

My younger son, however, charts a different course. He’s more like an adventurer on a quest for knowledge. His tools? A plethora of books borrowed from the library, online resources, and, interestingly, ChatGPT. He’s pretty much self-sufficient in his learning journey, tackling subjects head-on and figuring things out on his own.

It was during a parent-teacher meeting that his teacher labeled him as a “self-learner” or “self-directed.” I’d heard these terms before, but it wasn’t until I saw my younger son in action that their meaning truly hit home. It was an eye-opening moment, witnessing firsthand what being a self-learner truly meant.

The observations and advice I’m about to share with you have been drawn directly from my younger son’s learning strategies and methods. I owe him my gratitude for allowing me a front-row seat to his learning journey.

I’ve come to realize that self-learning is indeed a soft skill, a critical one in today’s world. It’s not just about academic knowledge, but about nurturing a particular mindset, an attitude of curiosity, and a method to one’s learning madness.

So, for today’s topic in our series on soft skills, we’ll dive into the intriguing world of “self-learning.

What is Self-Learning?

Self-learning is just like going on an adventure. Imagine being a traveler, exploring new places, discovering new things, and meeting new people. This is what self-learning is like. You’re not in a classroom. Instead, you’re learning on your own, using books, videos, websites, and other tools to learn about whatever you’re interested in.

Why is Self-Learning a Good Idea?

So, why would you want to go on this adventure? Well, for starters, it can help you become really good at solving problems. Along your journey, you’ll face challenges and obstacles, but as you overcome them, you’ll become a better problem-solver.

Also, self-learning can help you gain important skills, like managing your time and organizing your work. Plus, you get to choose how you want to learn. Some people like reading, some prefer watching videos, and others learn best by doing things. With self-learning, it’s all up to you.

How Can You Start Your Self-Learning Adventure?

Starting your self-learning journey might seem a bit scary, but don’t worry. Here are some steps to help you along the way:

  1. Find what you’re curious about: This is the best way to start. What do you want to learn about? It could be anything that interests you.
  2. Make a plan: Once you know what you want to learn, think about how you’re going to learn it. Make a plan and stick to it.
  3. Get the right resources: Find books, websites, videos, and other resources that can help you learn.
  4. Try different ways of learning: Reading, listening, experimenting, or practicing – find the way that works best for you.
  5. Use what you learn: The best way to remember what you’ve learned is to use it. Try to find a way to use your new knowledge or skills.
  6. Find others who are learning, too: You don’t have to do this alone. Find other people who are interested in the same thing and learn together.
  7. Share what you know: When you’ve learned something, share it with others. This will help you remember what you’ve learned.

Tips for a Successful Self-Learning Journey

Here are a few more tips to help you succeed in your self-learning journey:

  1. Have clear goals: Knowing what you want to learn will help keep you focused.
  2. Ask lots of questions: The more questions you ask, the more you’ll learn.
  3. Embrace challenges: When things get tough, don’t give up. Challenges are part of the journey.
  4. Keep track of your progress: This will help you see how far you’ve come and keep you motivated.
  5. Find the best way for you to learn: Everyone is different, so find the way that works best for you.
  6. Know the background of your topic: This will help you understand what you’re learning.
  7. Enjoy the journey: Learning should be fun, so make sure you’re enjoying the process.

So, are you ready to start your self-learning adventure? Remember, this is your journey. You’re in charge. So, take control, be curious.

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